Characters available in magistar 

Centaur  (The centaur are of the extremely special group. Having the upper body of a human and lower body of a horse the centaur are forest and woodland inhibitors that tend to keep to there own)

  Hill, dwarf (Hill dwarfs who are the bigger cousin to the gnome they tend to inhabit dwellings of the step hills They have a natural knock for armoring and brewing and take baths seriously.)

  Mountain, dwarf (Mountain Dwarfs are immediate member to the hill dwarves. they are very similar but what sets them apart us there knock for gems and combat/weapons.)

  Dark, Elf (shinodo) (The underground cousin to all the other eves in the world are dark elves. Spending most of there time in the dark caverns of their domain their shade of skin color began to match the darkness.)

  High, Elf (VelVanti) (High elves are normal elves usually found in urban areas and regions. They make excellent merchants and traders.)

  Wing, Elf (zajesti) (The rare elves of the land There are only 100 elves left in any world of there kind because of their rare blood.

  Wood, Elf (Farin) (wood elves inhabit the wooded and forest areas of the world. They tend not to talk to humans being that they don't trust them)

  Sea, Elf (Aquastis) (Sea elves live in the seas, salt water regions and near costal areas. they are well known traders and crafters of the see bound items)

  Tinkering, gnome (These gnomes are smaller cousins of the dwarf. There skin I usually much darker then the dwarfs with there bulbous nose sand white hair. they love engineering and building devices that better suit mortals needs)

  Goblin (Goblins are filthy humanoid offspring that live in the dark subterranean areas of the world. They love to collect junk and scrap items.)

  Human (humans always have different colored  skin and always try to compete against one another for riches or fame. humans skin is rather week and they have no distinctive features among one another, except as they are in a group they seem to be quiet rowdy)

  Orc (orcs are also a humanoid offspring. It is uncertain what for sure what offspring. orcs are extremely hard of learning. They have tough leather green flesh that provides for a little armor.)

  Dark, Pixie (the evil cousin related to the sprite in the fairy kingdom. they have a hatred towards all other races that are not dark pixie. Dark pixies are extremely arrogant and conceited.)

  Sprite (The first born of fairies. sprites are fun loving and out going fairies that love sugar and humor. Sprites come in all different colors except black not like there evil cousins)



***classes are divided into five major groups. these five groups include Fighting, Healing, Magic, Rouge, and Special***


  1. Amazon
  2. Barbarian
  3. Blade master
  4. Caviler
  5. Dragon slayer
  6. Dragoon
  7. Fighter
  8. Gladiator
  9. Knight
  10. Mercenary
  11. Paladin
  12. Ranger
  13. Ronin
  14. Samurai
  15. Swash Buckler


  1. Beast Master
  2. Daemon Breaker
  3. Druid
  4. Exorcist
  5. Monk
  6. Priest
  7. Shaman
  8. Vampire Slayer


  1. Alchemist
  2. Mage
  3. Sorcerer
  4. Wizard


  1. Assassin
  2. Bard
  3. Con artist
  4. Ninja
  5. Thief


  1. Engineer

  2. Jester

  3. psyonocist

  4. Commoner


**The Description of the Classes Are not released to non members of MagiStar if your wanting to learn how to become a member of MagiStar and receive a full color 100 + pages players hand book then  send us a e-mail at the link below.**